The Right Path Ladies Bible Study is led by Deborah Eads. You may come back to this page to get your PDF lessons to print. Just click the lesson you want, below the video. That will open your pdf in another window. You can choose File, print if you have a printer. If you don 't have the ability to print, please call the Church Office at 317-535-3512 to make arrangements for us to print them for you. Please sign up at the Sign up table in the Main Lobby.
Click the lesson below to get your syllabus: (when you watch the video below, you are actually looking at The Right Path Ladies Bible Study channel on Youtube)
Welcome- A 6 page resource to " Zechariah, the Minor Prophet"
Week 1- 3-8-23 Study Introduction: "Zechariah, The Minor Prophet"
Week 2- 3-15-23- Lesson One ,"Rebuilding and Restoring Jerusalem"
Week 3- 3-22-23-Lesson Two- Review- "A Warning and Three Visions"
Week 4-4-12-23 - Lesson Three- "Four Visions: Grace, Jesus Christ and The Holy Spirit"
Week 5 - 4-19-23 - Lesson Four- "Three Visions: Curses for Sin, Judgment and the Coming King"
Week 6- 4-26-23 -Lesson Five - "Joy In Fasting, Joy In The Kingdom"
Week 7- 5-3-23 - Lesson Six- "Israel Is Saved and Reunited by Her King"
Week 8- 5-10-23- Lesson Seven- "Christ Rejected and Christ Mourned"
Week 9- 5-17-23-Lesson Eight- "Behold, The Day Of The Lord Cometh"
Here's the latest video: